rachel blatt rachel blatt

Supporting Siblings with Emily Holl

Rachel and Christie talk with Emily Holl of the Sibling Support Network about the challenges for siblings of kids with disabilities both visible and invisible. Emily talks about SibShops, a worldwide program, that offers support to siblings of kids with special needs. Emily also offers tips on how parents can best support these siblings and help them voice their own feelings and fears.

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rachel blatt rachel blatt

How to Raise an Adult with HR Mom, Melissa Griffin

Rachel and Christie talk to the HR Mom, Melissa Griffin, about how to raise ADHD kids to be adults. Using her experience as an HR executive, Melissa talks tricks, tips and tools on bringing up children to be functioning adults who can succeed in life and the workplace. Listen in to hear about how Melissa structures her family life to meet her kids where they are each at as well as managing her own ADHD.

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